How is Land Rover improving security and keyless theft?
JLR have invested £15m to bring the latest security updates to Land Rover vehicles from 2016 onwards to ensure vehicles are protected and updated with the latest technology to prevent thefts.
Find out more about this investment in security here..
How can I get the security update?
If you receive an invitation to visit one of our retailers for the security update, please book online by visiting our Security Update page.
If you are unsure if you have received or are eligible for the update, check with your local retailer.
Please find further information and how to book online on our Security Update page.
Is there a cost for the security update?
No, the security update is complimentary for Land Rover vehicles from 2016 onwards.
How does the UWB smart key technology help prevent theft?
We have invested in improvements to the Body Control Module (BCM) which prevents thieves driving away a vehicle without a key. Our Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) smart key includes technology which helps prevent 'relay attacks', where thieves boost the range of the key's signals to unlock your vehicle.
How do I know if my key is a UWB smart key?
A UWB smart key is provided with all vehicles from 21MY onwards. To identify if your key has UWB technology, check the badge on the rear of the key fob.
Do I need to keep my key in a Faraday pouch?
Faraday pouches are not needed to protect keys from relay attacks if UWB technology is in use. You may wish to store keys for older vehicles with non-UWB keys in a Faraday pouch. If you are still unsure if your smart key has UWB Technology, please contact your local Retailer.
How do I know if my vehicle is locked?
You can check your vehicle is successfully locked and the alarm is activated by pressing the lock button twice in quick succession - you’ll hear a beep when the car is secure. The first click of the Lock button locks the doors, the second click activates the alarm and sensors.
By downloading the Remote App1 will give you access to vehicle lock reminders, notifying and letting you lock your vehicle remotely if it left unlocked for 15 minutes.
What activities can Guardian Mode2 detect?
Guardian Mode will detect and send an alert if the vehicle alarm is triggered by the following:
• If the vehicle is unlocked or if the door, boot, bonnet, window, or roof is opened
• If the alarm is disarmed
• If EV charging is interrupted or the vehicle’s engine is turned on. -
Will a Guardian Alert be triggered with a genuine key?
Yes. Guardian Mode aims to maximise security when customers leave their vehicles for a period of time and want to be reassured of its safety. You should deactivate Guardian Mode if you are returning to your vehicle.
Can I use other functions on the Remote App while Guardian Mode is on?
No. To use other features on the InControl Remote App, Guardian Mode will need to be deactivated.
Is my vehicle eligible for Guardian Mode?
You can use Guardian Mode if you are subscribed to Secure Tracker or Secure Tracker Pro and have the latest InControl Remote App1.
How do I set up Guardian Mode?
Download the latest InControl Remote App1 from App Store or Google Playstore. From the main page of the app, press the Security Button to go to the SECURITY screen. There should be a toggle to select Guardian mode. You can then select a time period for when you want Guardian Mode to be active. If any alerts occur during this time a notification will be sent to your smartphone.
Will Secure Tracker help to reduce my insurance premium?
Secure Tracker is Thatcham Category 6 Compliant. By having Secure Tracker activated you may qualify for a discount on your insurance premium. Please check with your insurance provider.
What happens if I have Secure Tracker and my vehicle is stolen?
In the event of your vehicle being moved illegally, the Tracking Centre will immediately alert you and will liaise with the police to pinpoint the exact location of your vehicle. If you believe your vehicle has been stolen, call the Tracking Centre directly from your Remote smartphone app or on 0345 600 4999.
If I have Secure Tracker what will happen if my vehicle is towed away?
If you know that your vehicle is going to be transported (e.g. towed or transported by train or ferry) and you have an active Secure Tracker subscription, make sure you enable the Transport Mode feature. Once enabled, Transport Mode will be active for 10 hours only and will be automatically disabled when this time has elapsed. If your vehicle is being transported for more than 10 hours, make sure to reactivate Transport Mode. If you do not enable Transport Mode and your vehicle is being transported, you will receive a theft notification from the Tracking Centre.
Can I report my vehicle stolen when abroad in Europe?
If your vehicle is when abroad in Europe* you should contact the Tracking Centre. Call the Tracking Centre directly from your Remote smartphone app or on 0345 600 4999.
1Remote App/InControl features, options and their availability remain market dependent - check with your Retailer for local market availability and full terms. Certain features require an appropriate sim with a suitable data contract which will require further subscription after the initial term advised by your Retailer. Mobile connectivity cannot be guaranteed in all locations.
2Guardian Mode requires an internet connection, InControl account and Secure Tracker subscription. To continue using the relevant feature after its initial subscription period, you will need to renew your subscription and pay the applicable renewal charges.
*Secure Tracker is available in the country in which you subscribed for the InControl services as well as in the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, the United Kingdom and The Vatican.